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What’s the Big Deal about an 
Online Church Community and 
How Can I Grow One?
We create real connections through an authentic, engaging, and comprehensive 
online church experience.
What’s the Big Deal about an Online Church Community and  How Can
I Grow One
We create real connections through an authentic, engaging, and comprehensive 
online church experience.”
A Church Without Walls Can
Never Be Outgrown 
An optimized online church experience is vital to the future of church as we know it. We help churches 
launch, grow, and optimize their new or current online experiences.

"If you aren't treating an online visitor like you do someone who walks through your doors for the first time, 
then your church loses in the next 10 years"
Meet Real People Where They Are
The landscape is changing and Churches need to keep up. People want online experiences and are actively searching for them. There are amazing ways to grow an online community while also growing your in-house community and member base
Provide Real Value with A Real Online Experience
Value first is our only option. Churches are amazing at providing value to their physical members and this needs to be shown in an online environment as well. If humans can start dating online, then we can engage online members!
Attract an Audience & Drive Real Engagement
Many churches struggle to gain traction with their online initiatives simply because they aren’t attracting the right audience or maybe just not enough of one. Not to worry, we can help! We can show you how to push thousands of new users to your live stream each month.
A Church Without Walls Can Never Be Outgrown 
An optimized online church experience is vital to the future of church as we know it. We help churches launch, grow, and optimize their new or current online experiences.
How Do You Design, launch, grow, and cultivate an Online Church Experience?
   Define Your Purpose
Your purpose for building an online church experience is vital to the success of this endeavor. “Keeping up with the times” is simply not enough.
Churches are here to be a valuable resource for those who are searching for God, which means their purpose for an online church community needs to be built around creating community just like with their physical campus. Our team is here to help you define that purpose to ensure it matches your current community and helps your Church grow to its potential.
How Do You Design, launch, grow, and cultivate a Real online church experience?
   Define Your Purpose
Your purpose for building an online church experience is vital to the success of this endeavor. “Keeping up with the times” is simply not enough.
Churches are here to be a valuable resource for those who are searching for God, which means their purpose needs to be built around creating community just like with their physical campus. Our team is here to help you define that purpose to ensure it matches your current community and helps your Church grow to its potential.
   Create an Action Plan
Lights, Cameras, Content, your action plan needs to think of it all. Your team is going to need structure to navigate the technology, community, and engagement facets that are needed for an effective online church experience. Things
such as:
  • ​   Launching Your Live Stream
  • ​   ​Organizing Your Content & Engagement Strategy
  • ​   ​Gain Traction with New and Current Members
  • ​    Outreach Presentation
  • ​    First Time vs. Repeat Online Attendee Experience
   Creating an Action Plan
From Lights, Cameras, to Content, your action plan needs to be on point. Your team is going to need structure to navigate the technology, community, and engagement facets that are needed for an effective online church experience. Things such as:
  • ​   Launching Your Live Stream
  • ​   ​Organizing Your Content Strategy
  • ​   ​Creating a Content Library
  • ​    Community Engagement Plan
  • ​    First Time vs. Repeat Online Attendee Experience
   Create an Audience with a
     Traffic Booster
One of the top questions everyone asks, “Is this just for my current attendees?” No! This is built to attract new attendees just as much as it is a resource for your current attendees. 
Another question we often hear is “Once we get their online
church service & community off the ground is how am I possibly going to get people to come watch?”
Plain and simple we are going to meet people where they are with an outreach program designed to target users who are searching for answers. Then we are going to answer them!
   Create an Audience with a
      Traffic Booster
One of the top questions everyone asks, “Is this just for my current attendees?” No! This is built to attract new attendees just as much as it is a resource for current attendees. 
Another question we often hear is “Once we get their online church service & community off the ground is how am I possibly going to get people to come watch?”
Plain and simple we are going to meet people where they are with an outreach program designed to target users who are searching for answers
Did you know? On Google alone there are Millions of searches per month that are directly related to Christianity, Churches, Online sermons, and other Biblical questions. What’s even better? We see that when our church partners are there to answer these questions, these users stick around and become online members from all over the globe with some even starting their very own house Campuses! 
Oh and the best part Your church most likely qualifies for a $10,000 per month ad grant to cover most of the outreach cost!
Many Churches Qualify for a $10,000 / month Grant to Pay for Marketing.

On Google alone there are Millions of searches per month that are directly related to Christianity, Churches, Online sermons, and other Biblical questions? 

What’s even better? We see that when our church partners are there to answer these questions, these users stick around and become online members from all over the globe with some even starting their very own house Campuses! 

Oh and the best part Your church most likely qualifies for a 
$10,000 per month adgrant to cover most of the outreach cost!
   The Engagement Optimizer
Now here is the secret sauce and where most churches miss the boat. People can feel engaged with your church through a relational online experience, but only if you strategically and very intentionally design an experience that allows them to be a part of who you are and what you do. Streaming your Sunday  services alone won’t accomplish this and we highly recommend partnering with a proven strategic consultant to help guide you along your way

Our teams engagement strategies lead to increases in community participation, attendance, and tithing
   The Engagement Optimizer
Now here is the secret sauce and where most churches miss the boat. People can feel
engaged with your church through your online experience, but only if you strategically and very intentionally design an experience that allows them to be a part of who you are and what you do. Streaming your Sunday  services alone won’t accomplish this and we highly recommend partnering with a proven strategic consultant to help guide you along your way

Our teams engagement strategies lead to increases in community participation, attendance, and tithing
You must be intentional about engagement in every aspect your church and help them to know that, regardless where
they are connecting from, they belong to your church family.
We are the church wherever we are, and online church
done with purpose brings that statement to life.
You must be intentional about engagement in every aspect your church and help them to know that, regardless where
they are connecting from, they belong to your church family.
We are the church wherever we are, and online church
done with purpose brings that statement to life.
You must be intentional about engagement in every aspect your church and help them to know that, regardless where they are connecting from, they belong to your church family. We are the church wherever we are, and online church done with purpose and intentionality brings that statement to life
We’re Glad You’re Here!
You are the future, Now let us help you Reach the World!
We’re Glad
You’re Here!
You are the future, Now let us help you Reach the World!
Done-For-You” Live
Stream Setup
Lights, Camera, Action! From sourcing
the proper equipment that fits your needs
to software implementation our team has
you covered. Get up in running in no time 
so you can start reaching your audience 
where they are.
Google AdGrants for 
Remember that adgrant we discussed 
earlier? We cannot wait to tell you more 
about this powerful $10,000 / month 
adgrant that enables churches to reach 
wider audiences while being cost 
conscious along the way
Online Church Experience 
Worried you won’t be able to properly 
engage your audience, not to worry our 
team of experts will walk you through 
every step of the process and help train
your team how to execute these 
The Engagement Optimizer
Done-For-You” Live
Stream Setup
Lights, Camera, Action! From sourcing
the proper equipment that fits your needs
to software implementation our team has
you covered. Get up in running in no time 
so you can start reaching your audience 
where they are.
Google AdGrants for 
Remember that adgrant we discussed 
earlier? We cannot wait to tell you more 
about this powerful $10,000 / month 
adgrant that enables churches to reach 
wider audiences while being cost 
conscious along the way
Online Church Experience 
Worried you won’t be able to properly 
engage your audience, not to worry our 
team of experts will walkyou through 
every step of the process and help train
your team how to execute these 
Our Working Process
Target Continuum’s growth driven digital outreach strategies stem from decades of industry experience. Designing, Launching, and Cultivating online engagement plans is exactly what we do best and we do this with some of the biggest in the industry. Our marketers, developers & consultants consistently exceed expectations and our team effectively launches digital campaigns all day long. 
 Creating Purpose
 Constructing Traffic boosters
 Creating Action Plans
 Engagement Optimizers
 Marketing & Outreach Strategy
 Media Buying (Paid Ads)
 Email Marketing
 Social Media Marketing
 Live Church Implementation
 Purposeful Web Design
 Content & Social Marketing
 Creative & Branding
 Creator of the "Persona Suite"!
 and so much more...
Our Working Process
CRF’s growth driven digital outreach strategies stem from decades of industryexperience. Designing, Launching, and Cultivating online engagement plansis what we do best and we do this with some of the biggest in the industry.Our consultants consistently exceed expectations and our team effectivelylaunches digital campaigns all day long. 
  Traffic booster
  Action Plan
  Engagement Optimizer
  Media Buying
  Email Marketing
  Web Design
  Content & Social Marketing
  Creative & Branding
What Makes Us Different?
First and foremost, You have room to grow with Target Continuum as you need. We have more full service offerings, but we understand you may not need all our services.  this is why we offer ala carte offerings for your church to get started in the areas you need most. We detail a plan that fits your organization specifically and in that Flexibility is key. We are one of few consultants in the country that can effectively manage the Google AdGrant, especially when it comes to churches so you will be safe when it comes to tricky compliance standards and required performance metrics.
Most of all we have the experience, the conviction in our hearts, and not to mention members of our team actually work in Churches! 

Our Mission is to double the impact of 5,000 churches 
by the year 2025. 
What Makes Us Different?
First and foremost, you don’t have to use us for your full-service option, weunderstand you may not need all our services so we offer ala carte offeringsfor you to get started in the areas you need most. We are one of fewconsultants in the country that can effectively manage the Google AdGrant,especially when it comes to churches
Most of all we have the experience, the conviction in our hearts, andmembers of our team actually work in Churches!

Some Our Awesome Clients!
Southeast Christian
Southeast is the 7th largest church in the United States and just recently launched their live stream and are currently using ala carte offerings by Target Continuum to drive traffic to their live sermons, content libraries, and much more
Christs Church is our flagship online church community, driving hundreds of thousands of new users to their live stream and not to mention Christ’s Church is home to the lead consultant Joey Santos and has executed their live church platform from start to finish
Connection Point
Christian Church
Connection Pointe to date has pushed over 30,000 new users to their live stream and other church offerings, generating 100’s of phone inquiries about their church, and far more online attendees directly from Target Continuum's outreach packages 
Cross Point Church - Crosspoint.tv 
“As a church, we found ourselves getting stuck trying to figure out our strategy for our online campus and digital discipleship. After spending a day with Joey, we gained so much more clarity. Not only that, we now have a specific plan, philosophy, and strategy that we can implement at our church. It’s amazing how bringing someone in with not only the expertise but also a fresh perspective can help move things forward in a massive way.”
Drew Powell, Creative Arts Pastor
Cross Point Church, Nashville, TN
What Our Clients Say!
Southeast Christian
Southeast is the 7th largest church in theUnited States and just recently launched their livestream and are currently using ala carte offeringsby CRF to drive traffic to their live sermons,content libraries, and much more
Southeast Christian
Christs Church is our flagship online churchcommunity, driving hundreds of thousands ofnew users to their live stream and not to mentionChrist’s Church is home to the lead consultantJoey Santos and has executed their livechurch platform from start to finish
Christ Church has turned their live church into afundraising machine also, Want to learn more?Watch their video on the next page! 
Connection Point
Christian Church
Connection Pointe to date has pushedover 30,000 new users to their live stream andother church offerings, generating 100’s of phoneinquiries about their church, and far more onlineattendees directly from CRF’s outreach packages 
Joey Santos 
Global Integration Pastor, Christs Church
Chief Church Growth Consultant, CRF,Inc
“Target Continuum has been a great partner during the last 2 yrs. We have grown and developed greatly because of this professional relationship. They helped us to increase our branding awareness and engagement through digital marketing. Their team has been great in making our lives easy and helping us to achieve success. Our collaboration has led to an online church experience that is inspiring churches all over the country”
Joey Santos 
Christs Church 
“CRF has been a great partner during the last 2 yrs.We have grown and developed greatly because ofthis professional relationship. They helped us toincrease our branding awareness and engagementthrough digital marketing. They team are greatin making our lives easy and helping us toachieve success.”
Enough talk, let us show you! 
Schedule a call with our team 
Download a free copy of our
guide to learn more.

Enough talk, let us show you! 
Schedule a call with out team 
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Download a free copy of our guide to learn more.

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